Arithmetic Operations
Use of RFLAGS register is done majorly
We look at these main important operations:
ADD destination, source
ADC destination, source -> Add with carry
SBB -> Subtract with borrow
INC -> Increment
DEC -> Decrement
We can assemble and link this to make an executable and use GDB in TUI mode to see how arithmetic operations are happening.
I'm attaching the screenshots and writing a short description of the programs.
In the screenshots above, I'm first adding 1 to RAX. Then adding 1 again. Then moving fffffffffffff to RAX overwriting 2. Then adding 1 to make it 0. Also note how Carry Flag (CF) becomes 1 (see RFLAGS register)
Then adding 1 and 9 and subtracting 4 finally depicting add and subtract operations.
At this point in time, rax is assignded as the value in address 0x402000. Upon seeing the variables we see it is var1.
This variable has value 1.
Now we are adding rax's value in the variable stored at 0x402018
Then we are adding 2 in this.
Next instruction is clc -> Which clears the carry flag.
stc-> sets the carry flag
CMC -> complement the carry flag. CF was 1 just now, upon cmc, it gets 0 again.
Next three instructions are: mov rax, 0x0 stc adc rax,0x1
This basically means that first rax becomes 0. Then carry flag is set (becomes 1) and then adc-> Add with carry.
ADC=RAX+<value provided>+CF value
Here, value provided is 0x1, CF is also 1, so RAX should become 2.
After adding, notice how CF again becomes 0. Next instructions set it again and adds with carry rax, value and CF's value which becomes 5.
next, we mov value 0x10 to rax then subtract 5 from rax making it 0xb (10 in hex is 16 in decimal. So, 16-5 = 11 which is 0xb)
Now, we have 0xb = 11 in RAX. We set carry flag. Then we use SBB-> Subtract with Borrow.
So, SBB= RAX - Value Provided - Carry Flag
So, SBB makes RAX=11-4-1 = 6
Finally, INC and DEC just increments the register mentioned (RAX) by 1 and decreases by 1.
Then we exit the program
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