Moving Data

Before going ahead, here are three rules:

a) In 64-bit mode, operands generate a 64-bit result in the destination GP register b) In 32-bit mode, operands generate a 32-bit result, zero-extended to a 64-bit result in the destination general purpose register c) In 8-bit and 16-bit mode, operands generate an 8 or 16 bit result. The upper 56 or 48 bits of the GPR are untouched d) If the result of an 8 or 16-bit operation is intended for 64-bit address calculation, explicitly sign-extend the register to the full 64-bits.

"Zero extended"??? We'll talk about this after introducing a few operands that are used to move data in assembly.

MOV instruction

MOV is the most common instruction in assembly. It allows data moving in the following formats:

  1. Between registers

  2. Memory to registers and Registers to Memory

  3. Immediate data to registers

  4. Immediate data to memory


LEA=> Load Effective Address.

It loads pointer values in registers

Eg: LEA RAX, [var1]

Where var1 is the label given to any data type (talked in data type article here:

Please note that, these two instructions essentially mean the same thing:

mov rax, sample

lea rax,[sample]


Swaps values in between:

  1. Register and Register: XCHG RAX, RBX

  2. Register and Memory: XCHG RAX, <memory address>


Here is an assembly program for us to dissect into.

global _start

section .text

        ; mov immediate data to register 
        mov rax, 0xaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb
        mov eax, 0xaaaaaaaa
        mov rax, 0xaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb
        mov al, 0x11
        mov rax, 0xaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb
        mov ah, 0xcc
        mov rax, 0xaaaaaaaabbbbbbbb
        mov ax, 0xdddd

        ; mov register to register 

        mov rbp, rax
        mov r10, rbp

        mov r11d, r10d
        mov r12w, r11w
        mov r13b, r12b

        ; mov from memory into register 

        mov rsi, [sample2]
        mov r14d, [sample]
        mov r15w, [sample]
        mov dil, [sample]

        ; mov from register into memory 

        mov rax, [sample2]
        mov byte [sample], al
        mov word [sample], ax
        mov dword [sample], eax
        mov qword [sample], rax

        ; lea demo

        lea rax, [sample]
        lea rbx, [rax] 

        ; xchg demo 
        mov rax, 0x1234567890abcdef
        mov rbx, 0x9999999999999999

        xchg rax, rbx

        ; exit the program gracefully  

        mov rax, 0x3c
        mov rdi, 0

section .data

sample: db 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff, 0x11, 0x22
sample2: dq 0x1122334455667788
sample3: times 8 db 0x00

Note at the end we are exiting by giving rax a value 0x3c which is hex equivalent of "60" which is the syscall number of exit()

gdb -q ./MovingData -tui

Instruction 1: Rule A applies

Instruction 2: Note how a 32 bit value output zeros out the upper 32 bits of the register. 3rd instruction resets RAX.

Instruction 4: Rule C applies and the remaining 30 bits are unaffected

Instruction 9: Moves rax into rbp

Instruction 14: This instruction assigns value of sample2 variable in RSI.

On stepi we'll see the change

Instruction 19: Changes sample variables 1 byte with that of al.

Notice al has 88 right now and sample starts with 0xaa. This gets overwritten

Instruction 23: LEA would load 0x402000 intro RAX. Note that this is the memory address of sample variable.

Upon stepi or si, we see RAX being overwritten with the address of sample

Instruction 24: This instruction (lea rbx, [rax]) essentially loads the value in RAX into RBX

Instruction 27: This instruction would exchange RAX and RBX. Notice how rax and rbx have been overwritten first by 64 bit absolute values

One more stepi

Finally, we exit the program using 0x3c (hex value for 60->syscall number for exit()) with rdi as 0 for error code.

Last updated