Powershell Basics
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Powershell is the Windows Scripting Language and shell environment that is built using the .NET framework.
Most Powershell commands, called cmdlets, are written in .NET. Unlike other scripting languages and shell environments, the output of these cmdlets are objects - making Powershell somewhat object oriented.
This also means that running cmdlets allows you to perform actions on the output object(which makes it convenient to pass output from one cmdlet to another). The normal format of a cmdlet is represented using Verb-Noun; for example the cmdlet to list commands is called Get-Command.
Common verbs to use include:
Get-Help Command-Name
You can also use "-examples" to see how it is used
Get-Help Command-Name -Examples
Get-Command gets all the cmdlets installed on the current Computer. The great thing about this cmdlet is that it allows for pattern matching like the following
Get-Command Verb-*
or Get-Command *-Noun
Running Get-Command New-*
to view all the cmdlets for the verb new displays the following
The Pipeline(|) is used to pass output from one cmdlet to another. A major difference compared to other shells is that instead of passing text or string to the command after the pipe, powershell passes an object to the next cmdlet
To view these details, pass the output of a cmdlet to the Get-Member cmdlet
Get-Command | Get-Member -MemberType Method
Creating Objects From Previous cmdlets
One way of manipulating objects is pulling out the properties from the output of a cmdlet and creating a new object. This is done using the Select-Object
Get-ChildItem | Select-Object -Property Mode, Name
Filtering Objects
When retrieving output objects, you may want to select objects that match a very specific value. You can do this using the Where-Object
to filter based on the value of properties.
Get-Service | Where-Object -Property Status -eq stopped
Other operators than "-eq" can be found here
Sort Object
When a cmdlet outputs a lot of information, you may need to sort it to extract the information more efficiently. You do this by pipe lining the output of a cmdlet to the Sort-Object
Finding a file
Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -Include
-File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Counting an output (using measure)
Lets count the cmdlets installed in the system
Get-Command | Where-Object -Parameter CommandType -eq Cmdlet | measure
Getting a file's hash
We want MD5 hash here, so:
Get-FileHash -Path "C:\Program Files\interesting-file.txt.txt" -Algorithm MD5
Current Working Directory?
To see if a directory exists?
Get-Location -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Passwords"
Making a request to web server
Base64 decode a file
Get-ChildItem -Path C:/ -Include b64.txt -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SIlentlyContinue
certutil -decode "path\file.txt" decode.txt